

Carte de vizita AEDIFICIA CARPATI: Banca Nationala a Romaniei. Cladirea Guvernului Romaniei


Banca Nationala a Romaniei


Sediul Bancii Nationale a Romaniei este unul dintre cele mai impunatoare si mai vaste edificii din tara, fiind declarat si protejat ca monument istoric si de arta.

Data fiind valoarea deosebita a decoratiilor interioare, interventiile privind consolidarea cladirii au impus gasirea unor tehnologii de mare dificultate.

Lucrarile de restaurare sau refacere a ornamentelor din piatra sau ipsos, a placajelor decorative din marmura, a elementelor de stucomarmura, a lambriurilor si picturilor, precum si lucrarile de instalatii bazate pe tehnologii noi au fost realizate de specialistii nostri.

Lucrarea a fost premiata cu Trofeul Calitatii ARACO.

The National Bank of Romania is head quartered in one of the largest and most impressive buildings in the country.The building of the Central Bank of Romania has been declared a historic monument and has been put under patrimonial protection. With the highly valued interior decorations of the building, the restoration and consolidation work required certain challenging technologies.

All the restoration work and reconditioning of the stone ornaments and plasterwork, the decorative marble panelling, the stucco-marble elements, the wooden panelling and the paintings, as well as the cutting edge plumbing nave been carried out by our well trained specialists.

The project received the ARACO Quality Trophy Award.



Cladirea Guvernului Romaniei


Imbinarea traditiei arhitecturii nationale cu formele arhitecturii contemporane este una dintre marcile arhitectului Duiliu Marcu, arhitectul acestei cladiri monumentale. Din cauza uzurii fizice si morale – suferita in cei 70 de ani – edificiul a necesitat ample lucrari de consolidare, care s-au executat fara intreruperea activitatii din Palatul Victoria, gratie unei tehnologii adaptate conditiilor speciale impuse.

Pentru consolidare s-a adoptat o metoda noua, de introducere de masa vibranta in antifaza. S-a optat pentru amplasarea pe acoperis a cinci blocuri de beton concepute pentru frecventa cu care se misca cladirea, deplasarea lor urmand a se realiza insa in sens invers. Acest sistem mareste capacitatea de rezistenta a cladirii cu peste 50 la suta.

A combination of the national architectural tradition with the contemporary architectural forms, it is one of the marks of the architect Duiliu Marcu. Due to the physical and moral wear of the edifice over the 70 years, the edifice required extensive consolidation works that were performed without interrupting the activity at the Victoria Palace, by using a technology adapted to the special conditions.

A new method was adopted for consolidation, based on the introduction of vibrating mass in the reverse phase. It was decided to place on the roof five concrete blocks designed for the frequency with which the building moves, after which their movement would be performed in opposite direction.This system increases the building’s resistance capacity over 50 percent.


…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 179 – aprilie 2021, pag. 7


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