

Carte de vizita AEDIFICIA CARPATI: Palatul Patriarhiei Romane – consolidare si restaurare


Palatul Patriarhiei, ridicat la inceputul sec. XX dupa planurile arhitectului Dimitrie Maimarolu, este un loc incarcat de istorie, care a gazduit de-a lungul timpului nucleul conducerii administrative si spirituale a tarii.

Din cauza cutremurelor din 1940 si 1977, care i-au afectat structura de rezistenta, cladirea a trecut printr-un amplu si complex proces de consolidare.

S-au realizat urmatoarele lucrari: stoparea tendintei de deplasare a cladirii spre sud, prin montarea de piloti forati de 12 m adancime, rigidizati cu o grinda din beton armat de 1 m inaltime, uniformizarea rigidizarii cladirii prin crearea de saibe orizontale, consolidarea peretilor exteriori si interiori cu ajutorul unor tiranti din bare de otel inserati atat orizontal cat si vertical si crearea de 8 ploturi din beton armat pe o fundatie din micropiloti.

The Palace of the Patriachate, built at the beginning of the 20th century, according to the plans of architect Dimitrie Maimarolu, is a place filled with history that has hosted overtimethecoreofthe country’s administrative and spiritual leadership.

Affected by the earthquakes of 1940 and 1977, that weakened its resistance structure, the building underwent a complex consolidation process.

The work was focused at stopping the sliding tendency of the building to the south by installing 12 m deep drilled pile sembeded in a 1 m high reinforced concrete beam, and at accomplishing the uniform building rigidity by creating horizontal girders, by strengthening all the exterior and interior walls with steel thrusts inserted both horizontally and vertically, and by the construction of 8 reinforced concrete slabs built on micropiles foundation.


Monumentul istoric, intins pe o suprafata de 16.250 mp, care prezinta o multitudine de stiluri, a fost restaurat printr-un proiect extrem de complex, detaliile arhitecturale si stilistice ale epocii fiind atent conservate.Toate ornamentele interioare si exterioare au fost restaurate, iar cele din zonele de interventie pentru consolidare au fost completate. Au fost refacute in totalitate pardoselile din marmura si parchet ornamental, tamplaria a fost schimbata, iar ferestrele au fost inlocuite cu unele din lemn de stejar.

Invelitoarea cu decoratii din tabla zincata a fost refacuta in totalitate cu tabla de zinc. Luminatorul aulei, decoratiile, lambriurile si lojile au fost restaurate, iar mobilierul inlocuit. Un sistem de climatizare modern, precum si unul de transmisie de date, au fost inserate discret in ansamblul restaurat.

Lucrarea a fost premiata cu Trofeul Calitatii ARACO.

The historical monument, with a surface of 16,250 sqm, has been restored through an extremely complex project, the multitude of architectural and stylistic details of the era being carefully preserved. All interior and exterior ornaments have been restored and those located in the working areas for consolidation, have been completed. The marble and ornamental parquet floors were also completely restored, the carpentry was changed, and the windows were replaced with new ones, made of multilayered oak wood.

The galvanized metal envelope was also replaced with zinc sheet, preserving all the building details.The auditorium luminary, the trappings, the paneling and the lodges have been restored and the furniture replaced. A modern air conditioning system, as well as an electronic data transmission device have been discreetly inserted into the restored ensemble.

The project received the ARACO QualityTrophy Award.


…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 180 – mai 2021, pag. 16


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