Muzeul Cesianu
Constructie ce dateaza din anul 1883, Casa Muzeu Cesianu, formata din doua corpuri de cladire, a fost supusa unui amplu proces de degradare in timp.
Proiectul de conservare si restaurare a constat in inlocuirea elementelor artistice lipsa si restaurarea celor deteriorate atat in interior, cat si in exterior.
In acelasi timp, s-au efectuat lucrari ample de consolidare a cladirii prin betonare si adaugarea unor piloti forati.
Muzeul Cesianu este inscris pe lista Monumentelor Istorice din Capitala.
Dating from 1883, the Cesianu House Museum, composed of two buildings, was subject to an extensive degradation process over time.
The preservation and restoration project consisted in replacing the missing artistic elements and restoring the damaged ones, both at the inside and on the outside.
At the same time, extensive consolidation works were performed by embedding the building in concrete and adding drilled piles.
Cesianu Museum is listed among the Historical Monuments of the capital.
Muzeul Theodor Aman
Una dintre bijuteriile orasului Bucuresti, Casa memoriala Aman, construita la sfarsitul sec. XIX, a suferit degradari majore de-a lungul timpului.
Interventia dificila pentru restaurarea cladirii a impus ample lucrari de consolidare a planseelor si a acoperisului, lucrari corelate cu refacerea componentelor artistice din material ceramic.
O atentie deosebita s-a acordat restaurarii elementelor decorative din lemn, a usilor pictate, a picturii murale si a frescei.
Since its construction at the end of the 19th century, the “Theodor Aman” Museum – one of the architectural gems of the city of Bucharest – suffered major degradation. For that reason, its restoration was quite a challenge. It required consolidation of the ceilings and the roof together with a remaking of the ceramic artwork.
Special attention has been given to the restoration of the wooden panelling, the door decorations, the mural painting and the fresco.
…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 189 – martie 2022, pag. 18
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