

Carte de vizita AEDIFICIA CARPATI: Palatul Cotroceni


Monumentul istoric cu o vechime de 330 de ani este alcatuit din 5 corpuri de cladiri (insumand 36.000 mp) amplasate intr-un parc de 17 ha.

Implicarea noastra a marcat cea de-a IV-a perioada din existenta acestui ansamblu, cea a „Restauratiei Cantacuzine”. Echipe de inalta calificare in lucrari de restaurare au dat o noua stralucire zidariilor interioare, ornamentelor din ipsos sau piatra, stucomarmurelor, lambriurilor, tamplariei bogate in sculpturi etc.

Pentru toate acestea, societatea noastra a creat o adevarata scoala de „arte si meserii”, ai carei specialisti au constituit baza altor mari realizari in domeniu.

The „Cotroceni” Palace, a 330-year old historic monument, consists of five buildings totalling 36,000 square meters of built area and is located in a 17-hectare park.

Our Company’s involvement with the Palace has opened the 4th stage in the existence of the edifice, the so-called Cantacuzino Restoration. Highly trained specialist teams shed a new light on the interior masonry, the plasterwork and stone ornaments, the stucco marble work, the panelling, the bas-relief enriched joinery etc.

In pursuing the restoration of the „Cotroceni” Palace, our Company has created an authentic arts and crafts school, whose experts have also pursued many other grand works in restoration and consolidation.


…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 191 – mai 2022, pag. 34


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