

Carte de vizita AEDIFICIA CARPATI: Sediul si hotelul Federatiei Romane de Fotbal


Sediul Federatiei Romane de Fotbal

Constructie remarcabila, amplasata langa Complexul Sportiv National „Lia Manoliu”, cu o suprafata defasurata de 2.956 mp, cladirea se impune printr-o arhitectura moderna si curajoasa.

Cele 3 zone distincte, sala de conferinte, holul atrium pe 4 nivele si corpul administrativ, tratate diferit ca finisaje, sunt legate intr-un tot arhitectural care face din Sediul Federatiei Romane de Fotbal unul dintre proiectele interesante ale Capitalei.

Durata de executie: 10 luni

Lucrarea a fost premiata cu Trofeul Calitatii ARACO.

The headquarters of the Romanian Football Federation, located next to the „Lia Manoliu” National Sports Complex, is a remarkable building, with its modern, bold architecture and a built area of 2,956 square meters.

There are three separate areas which have been differently treated in terms of finishes – the Conference Hall, the 4-tier atrium, and the administrative block. Together they make an architectural centre worthy to stand as a landmark project of the Capital City of Romania.

The construction work lasted for 10 months.

The project received the ARACO Quality Trophy award.



Hotelul Federatiei Romane de Fotbal

Centrul Tehnic Metodic de Pregatire a Sportivilor este amplasat in comuna Mogosoaia. Suprafata desfasurata: 4.410 mp.

Investitia cuprinde camere de cazare, sali de sport, sali de relaxare, hol atrium dezvoltat pe 4 nivele, birouri administrative, bazin de inot acoperit. La exterior s-au realizat terenuri de tenis si fotbal, parcaje si terase.

Durata de executie: 14 luni

Lucrarea a fost premiata cu Trofeul Calitatii ARACO.

The Training Centre of the Romanian Football Federation is situated in Mogosoaia commune, and totals 4,410 square meters of built area.

The building includes accommodation rooms, training halls, relaxation rooms, an atrium expanding over four storeys, administrative offices, and an enclosed swimming pool. Tennis courts, football pitches, car parks, and patios were built outside of the Centre.

The construction work lasted for 14 months.

The project received the ARACO Quality Trophy award.


…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 194 – august 2022, pag. 28


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