Palatul Parlamentului
The Palace of Parliament
Cladire de referinta ca marime in lume, fosta Casa a Poporului, actualmente Palatul Parlamentului, si-a inceput istoria inca din anii ’80.
În toti acesti ani, Aedificia Carpati a executat lucrari de structura la cateva corpuri ale cladirii si finisaje deosebite la interior si exterior, atat inainte, cat si dupa 1989.
The Palace of Parliament – or the House of the People, as it was initially called – bears the hallmark of grand design since it is one of the largest buildings in the world. Its history began in the 1980s.
It wasn’t only in the 1980s but also in the aftermath of the December 1989 events that Aedificia Carpaţi carried out structural consolidation works in certain wings of the colossus, as well as exquisite interior and exterior finishes.
…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 203 – iunie 2023, pag. 6
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