Muzeul Cinegetic Posada
Gratie amplelor lucrari de consolidare, renovare si redecorare realizate in anul 2004, Muzeul Cinegetic Posada si-a redeschis cu generozitate portile. Cei care i-au trecut pragul inainte de reamenajare vor fi cu siguranta surprinsi de noua maniera de prezentare a exponatelor si de ambientul placut, creat prin utilizarea materialelor si mijloacelor tehnice moderne.
The Hunting Museum in Posada, Romania
Thanks to the consolidation, renovation and redecoration work carried out during 2004, the “Posada” Hunting Museum has re-opened its gates. Anyone who happened to pay a visit to the Museum before the restoration will be most certainly impressed by the new way of presenting the exhibits. Nor would they be less impressed by the pleasing atmosphere created with the help of modern finishing techniques.
Serviciul de Transmisiuni Speciale
Amplu ansamblu arhitectonic, cu o suprafata desfasurata de 22.750 mp, sediul STS a fost o adevarata provocare tehnica, implicand o mare finete in punerea in opera a unei game foarte variate de materiale, atat la finisarea fatadelor, cat si la rezolvarea decoratiilor interioare. Deosebite au fost lucrarile de la peretii cortina, de forme diverse, meniti sa asigure atat izolarea la intemperii, cat si acuratetea ceruta de sobrietatea spatiilor inchise.
The Special Telecommunications Service
The headquarters of the Special Telecommunications Service is a vast architectural complex that posed really challenging problems in the implementation of a wide range of materials, both in the facade finishes and in the interior decoration. Due to the need to ensure both weather protection and the accuracy required by the enclosed spaces, working on the variously shaped curtain walls was challenging and stimulating.
The built area of the complex is 22,750 square meters.
…citeste articolul integral in Revista Constructiilor nr. 205 – august 2023, pag. 8-9
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