Revista Constructiilor este o publicatie lunara care cuprinde prezentari de materiale si tehnologii noi, studii tehnice de specialitate, prezentari de firme, informatii de la patronate si asociatii profesionale etc.
Revista se distribuie gratuit, in tot sectorul constructiilor, celor mai importante societati de proiectare, constructii, instalatii, productie, import, distributie si comercializare de materiale, scule si utilaje pentru constructii, beneficiarilor de investitii etc.
Revista Constructiilor este partener media al:
Federatiei Patronatelor Societatilor din Constructii (FPSC)
Patronatului Societatilor din Constructii (PSC)
Casei Sociale a Constructorilor (CSC)
Asociatiei Romane a Antreprenorilor in Constructii (ARACO)
Societatii Romane de Geotehnica si Fundatii (SRGF)
Organismului National de Standardizare (ASRO)
Asociatiei Inginerilor Constructori Proiectanti de Structuri (AICPS).
Construction Magazine is a monthly magazine that publishes introductions to new materials and technologies, various dedicated technical studies, company presentations, information released by professional associations etc.
The magazine is delivered free of charge to the major companies working in the fields of: design and architecture, constructions, construction materials, tools and equipment, production, distribution, import and trade, services, investments etc.
Construction Magazine is media partner of:
Employers’ Federation of Building Societies (FPSC)
Ownership of Construction (PSC)
Social House of the Builders (CSC)
Romanian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (ARACO)
Romanian Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (SRGF)
National Standardisation Body (ASRO)
Asociatiei Inginerilor Constructori Proiectanti de Structuri (AICPS).